
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

St. Patty's Day Shamrock


Double Fun Shamrock

Hook: H8/5.00mm
Yarn: Worsted Weight
Magic Circle
Round 1: Ch 3 (counts as first dc), 7 dc in circle, sl st in top of ch 3
Round 2: Ch 3, dc in same st, 2 dc in each st around, sl st in top of ch 3
Round 3: Ch 9 (first ch counts as first sc) *sk 3 sts, sl st in next st, ch 8, rep from * to beg of round, sl st in first ch.
Round 4: Sl st in first ch-8 sp, ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc, 2 hdc, 2 dc, 3 tr, 2 dc, 2 hdc, 2 sc in same ch-8 sp, (2 sc, 2 hdc, 2 dc, 3 tr, 2 dc, 2 hdc, 2 sc) in each ch-8 sp around.  Sl st in first ch 1.
Round 5: Working in front of clover made sl st around first post (in between first and last petal made), sl st in open dc from round 2, *ch 5, sk 1 dc, sl st in next 2 open dc, rep from * sl st in first ch-5 sp.
Round 6: ch 2 (counts as first hdc), hdc, 2 dc, 1 tr, 2 dc, 2 hdc all in ch-5 sp, (2 hdc, 2 dc, 1 tr, 2 dc, 2 hdc) in each ch-5 sp around, sl st in first ch from beg ch 2. Do not finish off.
Stem: ch 10, hdc in 3 ch from hook, hdc in each of next 7 chs, sl st to finish off.
Weave in ends. 
This pattern has not been tested.  Please let me know if you find any mistakes.

If you tell others about my work, please only link back to my blog, but don't copy my patterns to your site. Also you can sell anything you make from my patterns, but don't sell the free pattern. Thank you! 
The Yarn Box

Monday, February 18, 2013

Getting ready for summertime!

Summer Fun Barefoot Sandal Pattern

Hook: US C2/2.75mm
Yarn: Any size 5 thread
Size: One size fits most

Note: Make chain longer if you want to ties to go up further on your gorgeous calves.

Ch 360
Fold chain in half to find middle ch.  Place marker in middle ch.  Count 29 chs from center ch (counting the center ch) to the left and place marker.  Count 29 chs (not counting the center ch) from center to the right and place marker.

Row 1: Starting at left or right (it doesn't make a difference) stitch marker sl st in ch with marker, ch 3, dc in next 2 chs, *ch 3, sk 2 chs, dc in next 3 sts, repeat from * ending with 3 dc, ch 3 turn

Row 2: *[(3 dc, ch 2, 3 dc) in next ch 3 sp, ch 3, repeat from * two more times] to center stitch marker, in center ch 3-sp sl st, ch 20, sl st in same ch-sp, repeat from * to end, ch 3, sl st in last dc. Finish off. Weave in ends.

This pattern has not been tested, only made by me (so far).  Please let me know if there are any changes or mistakes if you find any!

If you tell others about my work, please only link back to my blog, but don't copy my patterns to your site. Also you can sell anything you make from my patterns, but don't sell the free pattern. Thank you! 


The Yarn Box

My Crocheting World

Well here I am...Starting my very first blog!?

I am a...well a hooker-a-holic as I call it.  What can I say?  I love crocheting.  I love creating things out of a ball of yarn.  It really is amazing how that happens, isn't it?  I have recently started creating my own creations and I'm totally addicted.  I wanted to share this with everyone in the world of crochet...and even if you don't know how to crochet maybe someday you will. 

I started really crocheting a couple of years ago but my mom taught me quite a few years ago (like 10 years maybe?).  I of course stopped crocheting because it must've not interested me that much back then.  But now, well now I just can't get away from it.  I am in love with my hooks, yarn and of course the books and patterns.

I guess I should also tell you a little bit about myself (besides crocheting my heart away).  I am a mother of two very gorgeous boys and a wife to an amazing husband.  I am very sure their names may come up sometime in this blog of mine.  I also work for my parents' sod farm in the spring, summer and fall months.  That becomes a very busy time for all of us!  It doesn't give me too much time to crochet but I'm making a goal for myself that I will do some 'hookin' at least twice a week.

Anyway, so that's me in a nutshell.  I hope you enjoy my creations!